Backup Button

A spare key to your cryptocurrency

How it works

Safeguard against losing your assets by setting up an alternative wallet.

Ownership of your crypto will transfer automatically after a predefined period of inactivity.

Key details

Enormous amounts of money are locked in dead wallets - Chainalysis estimates that approximately one-fifth of all bitcoins are lost, with more added every day.

Wallet passwords are almost impossible to remember and no storage solution is foolproof. Setting up an alternative is the best way to safeguard your assets.

When the Backup Button is activated, the only thing that changes is your access point to the on-chain wallet. The assets remain in the same place.

The KiVault is an on-chain wallet that functions like other decentralized wallets. Send and receive, pay, swap, all safeguarded with the Kirobo Safe Transfer.

The wallet switch is executed by a smart contract which is activated by the user community. The node that activates a shift receives a reward in KIRO.